Creating symmetry
in your backyard!

Profesional Hedge Services in the Capital Region

Annual maintenance is the key to a beautiful hedge.

We are a group of passionate topiary artists who provide quality hedge trimming services to the Ottawa area.

Hedge Maintenance

For hedges that receive frequent care, we recommend requesting a one-off maintenance visit or enrolling in our 3-year annual maintenance program to ensure your hedges are healthy and well-shaped throughout the year.

For hedges that have gone without care for two seasons, we recommend booking a Hedge Renovation.

Hedge Renovation

Hedge lines that have grown wild and become unruly will need a more intentioned service or “Hedge Renovation” to regain their lost symmetry and help restore an even canopy.

Here at the Hedge Barber our staff are fully qualified to renovate and tame even the most rebellious of hedge lines.

When we’re finished, your hedge will be on the road to recovery and ready for a maintenance service the following year!

Hedge Removal

We understand that the annual care and maintenance required to keep your hedges well-shaped year after year is not for everyone.

For individuals who would prefer to chart a course free from the joyful burden of hedgework or for those who are simply looking to replace a failing hedge - please consider requesting a quote for our Hedge Removal and/or Stump Grinding service.

Our blog

The Beginners Guide to Hedge Maintenance

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Cutting Hedges for Over a Decade!

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Hedge Renovation to the Rescue

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The Ocean!

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